Registration for Middle School for the 2023-2024 season is now OPEN through Sept 13, 2023.

Player evaluations will be held on Wed, Sept 6th & 13th from 6:10p - 7:10p

Registration Fee: $850

If you have any questions about Middle School Hockey, please contact us

If you wish to register for the Middle School team, please follow the following steps:

Step 1:

USA Hockey Membership

Sign up/renew your membership with USA Hockey for the 2023-2024 season, you will need your USA Hockey Confirmation Number when registering. If you have already registered as a player for the 2023-2024 season, you do not need to register again, you will use the same confirmation number for both your club team and for the school team.

Step 2:

Player Registration

Complete your player registration via TeamSnap.  If you have more than one player in Middle School in your household you will be able to register them at the same time. Please note, each player will need to have a valid USA Hockey Confirmation Number for the 2023-2024 season in order to complete this registration. If you have not already signed up/renewed your membership you will need to do so prior to completing this step.

Step 3:

Complete Jersey Order Form

Complete the Jersey Order Form on TeamSnap to order jerseys, socks and shells if needed.  We will be ordering new jerseys this year, so all Middle School players will need to order both a new Home (White) and Away (Black) jersey. Matching team socks and pants shell are optional and are also available for order. Returning Middle School players have priority to keep their existing numbers. Request for number changes and assignments for players who played Elementary last year are subject to approval.

Step 4:

Complete League Registration

Players will also need to complete League Registration via Ice Line’s DaySmart Recreation website. There is no cost associated with this registration. This is needed in order to accept Ice Line’s waiver and so you can be entered onto the league roster. DaySmart Registration for the Middle School 2023-2024 season is currently not available and does not need to be completed at this time.